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For players 8 and up
Berrymandering is easy to learn and quick to play. Each round takes about 15 minutes. You’ll be glad for the the fast turn around because there is a surprisingly large amount of strategy involved. The game is based on the “I cut, you choose” strategy for districting. Who knew that a strategy game built around Gerrymandering could be so much fun?
Why make a game about gerrymandering?
Gerrymandering is a major contributor to political polarization in the US and it unfairly strips people of the power of their vote. It doesn’t matter what your political leanings are, Gerrymandering is bad for everyone. The practice won’t end until the voting public demands changes to the laws that govern districting. To help raise awareness, we built a Gerrymandering strategy game where you try to split up berries on a cake!